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How to calculate gallons in a pond

How to calculate gallons in a pond

Next use following formulas to calculate the size of your pond: Square/ Rectangular (Gallons): Assume the pond averages are 8 feet by 4 feet and averages 2 feet deep. Multiply average length (feet) x average width (feet) x average water depth (feet) x 7.48 gallons per cubic foot.

How to calculate volume capacity

To find the capacity of a rectangular or square tank: Multiply length (L) by width (W) to get area (A). Multiply area by height (H) to get volume (V). Multiply volume by 7.48 gallons per cubic foot to get capacity (C).

How to calculate volume of a cylinder in gallons

The formula for the volume of cylinder is: cylinder volume = π * radius² * height . For a pipe use its length instead of height: pipe volume = π * radius² * length , where radius = inner diameter/2 .

How many gallons aquarium calculator

Determining the amount of water in your aquarium is as simple as knowing that volume equals length times width times height and that 1 cubic inch of water is equivalent to 0.004329 gallons. Therefore, the volume of your tank in gallons of water = length x width x height (measured in inches) x 0.004329.

How to measure gallons in a pool

Length times width gives the surface area of the pool. Multiplying that by the depth gives the volume in cubic feet. Since there are 7.5 gallons in each cubic foot, multiply the cubic feet of the pool by 7.5 to arrive at the volume of the pool, expressed in gallons.

How to calculate water tank capacity in gallons

The volume of a tank in cubic feet is equal to the tank area multiplied by the tank height. The capacity in gallons is equal to the volume in cubic feet multiplied by 7.48 gallons per cubic foot.

How to calculate how many gallons in a round pool

Round or Circular Pool Volume. Your radius squared is the radius multiplied by the radius. Finally, measure the pool's depth. For example, if your pool's diameter is 18 feet, your radius is 9 feet, and your depth is 4 feet: 3.14 �- (9 x 9) �- 4 x 7.5 = 7630.2 gallons.

How to calculate how many gallons in a pond

Calculate approximately how many gallons of water are in a pond. Average length x Average width x Average depth x 7.48 = Total gallons.

How much water will a tank hold

For a rectangular tank: To find the capacity of a rectangular or square tank: Multiply length (L) by width (W) to get area (A). Multiply area by height (H) to get volume (V). Multiply volume by 7.48 gallons per cubic foot to get capacity (C).

How do i calculate gallons of water in my pool

Length x width x depth x 7.5 = volume (in gallons). Length times width gives the surface area of the pool. Multiplying that by the depth gives the volume in cubic feet. Since there are 7.5 gallons in each cubic foot, multiply the cubic feet of the pool by 7.5 to arrive at the volume of the pool, expressed in gallons.

How to calculate amount of water in a pond

The volume of water in the pond (in acre-feet) is calculated by simply multiplying the pond area (in acres) by the average pond depth in feet. Keep in mind that one acre-foot of water is equal to 325,851 gallons.

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