   Units of Measure / How Many Meters in a Kilometer

How Many Meters in a Kilometer

It is not difficult to guess that meters1 and kilometers2 are parts of the same measurement system. It is called the International System of Units3, or the metric system. Sometimes it is abbreviated SI from its French name Système international d'unités. Nowadays almost all countries in the world have adopted this system, except the USA, Burma and Liberia, where miles, yards, feet and other unit are used to measure length.

The meter is one of the basic units in the SI. The prefix “kilo” has the Greek origin. It means “thousand” and was first used in 1795 by French scientists. The meaning of the prefix “kilo” will help you to remember how many meters there are in a kilometer.

To convert meters to kilometers, you should divide the number of meters by 1000. If you want to calculate, how many meters there are in several kilometers, multiply km by 1000.

Converting meters and kilometers to length units from non-metric system is not so easy. We hope this table will help you to do it.

One meter
One kilometer
Statue Miles
Nautical Miles

The international definitions of feet, yards and miles are used in this table.
  1. The meter (British spelling: metre; abbr. m) is the basic length unit according to the International System of Units. It consists of one hundred centimeters (cm). In 1983, the meter was defined as the distance that light travels in vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of one second.
  2. The kilometer (British spelling: kilometre; abbr. km) is a length unit from the International System of Units. It equals to 1000 meters and is traditionally used to express distances between geographical objects.
  3. he International System of Units (abbr. SI) is the most widely-spread measurement system, which is the modern variant of the metric system. In consists of seven basic units: meter, second, kilogram, ampere, candela, kelvin, and mole. All the other units in the SI are derived from the basic ones.
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