All over the world millions of people suffer from pimples and are concerned about how to get rid of acne. Mostly such a problem has to do with teenagers during their puberty. Pregnant women are also prone to acne.
But in fact, anyone can have pimples as a result of overproduction of sebum1 by sebaceous glands2, blocked pores or getting infection in hair follicles3. One can experience acne breakouts during menstrual flow, after taking medicines, in stressful periods of life, etc. As a rule, obese people have pimples more often than healthy persons. Malnutrition and overuse of cosmetics can also lead to acne.
Prevention of Acne
It is easier to prevent acne than to get rid of them. Improving the diet, avoiding stresses, sleeping enough and some other measures will help you forget about the problem. Consider these ideas:
Eat healthy. Prepare everything yourself. Do not buy fast food and junk food.
Consume fiber. There is much of it in vegetables, fruits, brown rice, oats, flax seeds, etc.
Eat fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines, etc).
Drink much water.
Change your shave.
Avoid cosmetics and give preference to natural products, like jojoba oil.
Tan, but be wise. We are talking about tanning, not burning.
Sleep as much as you need.
Walk much and do physical exercises.
Regularly wash your face but do not do it too often.
Years ago, people did not have such problems with acne. They ate healthy food, did not use cosmetics, lived in clean environment and spent much time in the open air. Think about it. Is your lifestyle similar to theirs?
Getting Rid of Acne
First of all, you should understand what causes your acne in order to choose the right treatment. If the point is your puberty or menstrual cycle, there is no need to change your diet or lifestyle.
Never squeeze pimples. If you want to get rid of a whitehead, use Q-tips. Some people cover acne with toothpaste. Of course, it can dry it up, but this method is not effective enough. Products containing benzoyl peroxide are much more efficient.