First of all, before we start talking about how to lose belly fat, you should realize that there are no magic pills or devices that can make you look like a fitness instructor without your hard efforts. If you are going to get rid of belly fat, be ready to go on a diet and combine it with exercises and healthy lifestyle. It is the most efficient way of losing fat.
Stimulate Your Metabolism1
The higher is your metabolic rate, the quicker you lose weight. So let's help your metabolism with it by the following ways:
Always eat breakfast. It should contain high-fiber foods and protein (eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits, etc). Avoid waffles, French toast, sugary cereals, instant oatmeal and similar products.
Try to walk as much as possible. Every day you should take about ten thousand steps. Buy a treadmill, if you cannot walk out of doors.
Relax. Sleep enough. Find time for your hobby.
Drink much water. You need about 65 ounces a day.
Replace refined grains by whole grains.
Dieting for Losing Belly Fat
You will never make good progress in losing your belly fat if you do not restrict the amount of calories that you consume. The following information will help you to reduce the calorie intake:
In order to lose 1 lb of fat you have to eat about 3700 Cal less than you are able to burn.
Do not try to lose more than two pounds in a week. It will be unhealthy and the lost weight can be easily gained back.
Try to stick to a diet which allows consuming 2000 Cal (women) or 2200 Cal (men) per day. It creates a calorie deficit sufficient to lose from one to two pounds every week.
Keeping the food diary is a great piece of advice to everyone trying to lose belly fat. Many people are not able to regard in a sober light how much they eat during a day.
Find a good online calorie calculator for you daily calorie intake.
Exercises for Losing Belly Fat
Here are some tips about physical exercises which will be useful for those who want to get rid of belly fat:
Do not pay too much attention to sit-ups. Abdominal crunches help to strengthen muscles mostly, but your belly fat will remain.
Try doing this exercise. Take the position for doing press-ups. Rest on the elbows and look at the floor. Tighten your belly making it go towards your backbone. Try to hold the position for half a minute and repeat it three-five times. Keep your back straight all the time.
Squats are a great exercise for you. Do several sets of up to 20 squats.
Buy a treadmill or a stationary bike.
Try running as quick as you can for several seconds and then slow down until you are able to catch the breath.
Go for a quick walk.
Aerobic exercises are great for burning your belly fat.
Measuring Your Progress
Do not forget to measure your progress regularly:
Every day weight yourself. Do it at the same time. For example, in the morning, when you wake up and before taking breakfast.
Calculate the ratio of your waist to hip. Just divide the waist measurement by the hip measurement (use a soft tape measure to get the numbers). The healthy ratio should be 0.8 or lower for women and 0.9 of below for men.
Write down your measurements and keep them for checking your progress.
Finding Motivation
It can be difficult to lose belly fat by oneself, so try to find a partner. Share your victories with him/her, discuss your progress together, help each other to overcome problems, etc. Take photos of yourself. It will give you a possibility to realize that you really make progress.
Follow these pieces of advice; be diligent, persistent and patient - this is the only healthy way to get rid of your belly fat.